06 November 2013

Coming off of a wedding weekend in Washington DC with old friends, some quality time spent with family, and feeling inspired, refreshed, excited. Sometimes you just find yourself in a bit of a rut, you know? Dealing with what has to get done day-to-day and not making time for the little things that push you out of your comfort zone.

I've long loved a Jim Rohn quote that reads: "You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with." And while I don't think it's quite that cut and dry - I definitely believe you start to become the culmination of your experiences, relationships and surroundings; from the books you read, the images you digest, the outings you take, the new things you try, and yes, the inspirational people you surround yourself with.

So while this weekend was a reminder of the amazing people I have in my life, doing some pretty amazing things. It was also nice to get out to a new city, get away from my work - Museum life from 9 to 5, and behind the sewing machine / drawing board from 5 to (ugh) 11 - as a reminder not to live solely in the microcosms which surround us.

In the spirit of this, hey-do-something-you-don't-do-every-single-day, Tre and I threw caution to the wind, stayed up way past our Tuesday night bedtime and saw Amos Lee at the Riverside Theater last night. Talk about inspired. It's almost electric seeing someone do what the love to do, and do it well. The energy was infectious - brought the house down and we both left tired, but revived.

Now back to that drawing board.

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